May 2015

20 Secrets to Reduce Arthritis Pain

Let us help you reduce your arthritis pain!

Everyone has heard of Arthritis.  It is rare to meet a person who is not affected themselves, or at least closely associated with someone suffering from Arthritic pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion.  The word literally translates into joint inflammation (arth=joint, itis=inflammation).  Arthritis can strike any age group, whether male or female; even children deal with it.  With over 53 million Americans suffering from it, Arthritis is considered the dominant cause of disability in America.  Unfortunately, that number is expected to continuously increase over the years. 

The term “Arthritis” loosely pertains to more than 100 rheumatic diseases caused by joint or muscle inflammation, swelling, and pain.  If you deal with it, you know it is a menace!  Many things are attributed to the cause of arthritis but a few that have been identified are joint injuries, microbial agents that infect and damage joints, excess body weight, and occupations that involve repetitive movements.

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The Amazing Properties of Eucalyptus OilEucalyptus oil has many healing properties

Eucalyptus Oil has amazing medicinal properties and is derived from steam distilling leaves from the Eucalyptus Tree. This tree, also referred to as the Tasmanian Blue Gum, is native to Australia and puts off a pungent fragrance. The Australian Blue Mountains received their name because the Eucalyptus forests vaporize on hot days and emit a blue haze. Native Aborigines used eucalyptus all the time. They were known to infuse oil with Eucalyptus and use it for body pains, colds, wounds, burns, ulcers, sinus congestion, and fever.

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Tips of the Month

Each month, we provide our subscribers with some insightful tips and information to help them Enjoy Living Again. Check them out and share them with friends and family:

Ways to Reduce Hand & Knuckle Pain

You can treat pain in the knuckles or hand by using cold applications. This involves using an icepack, or a bag of ice to reduce the swelling, inflammation and pain inside the hand. You can purchase an ice pack at any department store or athletic/medical store, and they are fairly inexpensive. If you do not want to purchase one, then a bag of frozen peas works the same way, or you can make your own ice pack at home. Just add 3 cups of water and 1 cup of rubbing alcohol into a sealable bag, and mix together really well. When it reaches a “slushy” look, place the bag in the freezer and wait for it to freeze solid. Then, you can use the ice pack just like you would use a store-bought one, and once it thaws out from use, you can refreeze it to use for the next application. (Click Here to Read More)

Ways to Reduce Runner's Knee Pain

Are you a heel striker? If the answer is yes, then this "over-striding" increases your risk for Runner's Knee.  Studies have revealed that striking your heel on the ground first greatly increases the amount of shock your knee absorbs.  Once again, if you are not sure if you do this, you should ask a friend to videotape a run and then evaluate your techniques.  If you discover that you are, indeed, a heel-striker, you can train yourself to run by landing flat with your feet underneath your hips, rather than out in front of your body on your heel.  It may take some work, but in the long-run it will greatly reduce damage to your knee cartilage.  (Click Here to Read More)

Ways to Reduce Back Pain

Eating no grains will help with your back pain.

Many doctors are now advising patients who experience chronic pain in parts of their body to give up grains and sugars for a few weeks. With the increase in popularity of the low carb diets, many people have noticed how much cleaner their body feels from the inside. Studies have recently shown that insulin and leptin levels are directly responsible for the increase in inflammatory prostaglandins in the body. Those suffering from pain and chronic inflammation usually see a remarkable difference in how they feel when they adopt a lower carb diet due to the reduction of sugars and grains. Researchers believe this occurs because some bodies react to specific proteins in foods, when this happens their immune system produces antibodies that attack these proteins and lead to pain causing inflammation to develop throughout the body. Gluten, found in many grains like wheat, oats, rye, and barley, as well as milk proteins, is the main culprit. Doctors recommend avoiding carbohydrate foods, and instead, consuming lean meat proteins such as fish, poultry, and seafood. Viable plant-based protein sources are also great options; if you are not allergic, consider eating Legumes, Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, Brazil Nuts, Seeds, or soy products. Patients are encouraged to try this diet change for at least 90 days just to see if they notice a difference. It can be a difficult adjustment period for the first few days, but patients usually begin to see noticeable results by the end of the first week. What you feed your body affects how you feel on a daily basis. And this is most evident in chronic pain sufferers.  (Click Here to Read More)

Ways to Reduce Arthritis Pain 

Moist heat, in particular, provides relief from Arthritis pain because it dilates the blood vessels and increases oxygen and blood flow.  It encourages your muscles to relax around the joints.  Many doctors recommend starting your day with a heat compress.  Heat therapy can be achieved by taking a warm bath or shower, or soaking in a hot tub for at least 15 minutes.  If these methods are not preferred, moist heating pads (available at most pharmacies) provide temporary relief.  Always check the temperature before applying to the skin; you do not want to burn yourself.  If you have access to a hot tub and pool, you may respond well to 10 minute rotations in the hot tub and cold pool.  For example, take a dip in the hot tub for 10 minutes, then switch to the pool for 10 minutes, and repeat.   (Click Here to Read More)