March 2016

An In-Depth Look at Sciatica

An In- Depth Look at SciaticaSciatica is the condition resulting from various medical conditions such as a degenerative disc disease, lumbar herniated disc, or spinal stenosis. Symptoms related to Sciatica often cause chronic pain in one or both of the legs, buttocks, and/or feet, and causes the most pain when a person is sitting down. Pains in the leg may often be described as a burning sensation or a dull ache. These symptoms often leave the sufferer with weakness, numbness, and pain in the legs or feet. Some people state that the pain is a sharp, stabbing feeling that passes through the nerves along the legs and feet. These sorts of symptoms can leave an individual with limited mobility and, if left untreated, can be a debilitating issue. Those with Sciatica may find it difficult to stand, sit, or walk for certain periods of time. This can greatly impede on one’s everyday life, such as their occupation, relationships, or other social aspects. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed, pinched, damaged, or jeopardized in a way that causes discomfort and even chronic pain. The sciatic nerve branches out from the spinal cord and runs downward along both thighs, continuing down to the legs, and ending at the feet. Its purpose is to provide nerve functionality in the muscles of the legs and feet.

Chondroitin is good for the joints in the body The Health Benefits of Chondroitin

Chondroitin Sulfate is one of the most promising treatments for pain in the joints that is currently being evaluated today. Researchers have recently discovered the benefits of Chondroitin and the value it has in modern medicine. One of the most heavily observed effects that Chondroitin may have is in the treatment of osteoarthritis. In 2006, a combination of Chondroitin and Glucosamine was used in a research study involving participants with knee osteoarthritis. The trial concluded that a subset of patients with moderate-to-severe arthritis experienced a highly noticeable reduction of pain from using the Chondroitin and Glucosamine combination. A 2-year study in 2010 concluded the same Chondroitin/Glucosamine combination was found to be as effective as the prescription drug celecoxib (Celebrex). Chondroitin Sulfate has been either studied or prescribed for individuals with heart disease, osteoporosis, joint pain/inflammation, acid reflux, heart attack, muscle soreness, and even the bladder condition interstitial cystitis.

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Tips of the Month

Each month, we provide our subscribers with some insightful tips and information to help them Enjoy Living Again. Check them out and share them with friends and family:

Ways to Reduce Hand & Knuckle Pain

Soaking your hand in Epsom salt is a great way to combat inflammation because it contains magnesium, an electrolyte that is depleted during natural inflammation. Epsom salt returns this magnesium back to us and helps fight the inflammation in our body. Epsom salt can be used by drawing a bath (or if you just want to soak your hand, a large bowl or trough can be used) and placing the appropriate amount of Epsom salt into the volume of water. How much you should use can be found on the back of the Epsom salt package and it’s always best to follow the directions; you don’t want to use too much. Speak with your doctor before using Epsom salt, as you may have other health conditions that may react negatively to the use of Epsom salt in large doses. A warm bath of Epsom salt should reduce the swelling in your hand. Also, studies show that since Epsom salt contains the electrolyte, magnesium, it is also known to promote healthy muscle tissue and nerve function. This could be beneficial to those who suffer from fibromyalgia or other nerve conditions. 

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Ways to Reduce Runner's Knee Pain

A knee brace is designed to give your knee the compression and support that it needs.  It will reduce the amount of shock that your knee is forced to absorb.  The main function for the brace is to reduce the anterior knee pain.  This is one of the most readily used remedy for many types of joint pain. It has been used by many in the world of athletics. 

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Ways to Reduce Arthritis Pain 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, which is not refined, has been found to contain oleocanthal which is known to interfere with COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes.   Both of these enzymes cause inflammation in the body.  In 2005, a study was conducted on oleocanthal and researchers discovered that it inhibits inflammation in the same way as ibuprofen.  However, it is believed that once Olive oil is exposed to extreme heat many of these benefits are lost.  It would be beneficial to find a way to incorporate the raw oil into your diet, perhaps add it in by mixing your own salad dressings.  Olive oil is a great substitute for vegetable oils and butter.  However, even a healthy oil such as this contains a high amount of calories.  Try to use it moderately especially if you are focusing on reducing your weight to help with arthritis pain.

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