April 2015

Relieving Childhood Arthritis... They Suffer TooRelieving childhood arthritis pain.

Children of any age can suffer from arthritis.  It is estimated that 1 child in every 1,000 will deal with it.  So far, in the United States, around 300,000 children have been diagnosed.  Juvenile Arthritis impacts their mental and physical well being.  Doctors believe it affects children in the form of an autoimmune disease.  The white blood cells in the body cannot distinguish a difference between healthy cells and germs/viruses.  The immune system, which is designed to protect the body from bad cells, begins to release large amounts of chemicals in the body to destroy the germs and viruses, but in some cases it also causes damage to healthy tissues.  This damage begins to cause pain and inflammation.  At this point, doctors do not know exactly what causes some children to have it versus those who do not.  Some suspect that it depends on the combination of genes children inherit from family members.  The widely accepted term used to describe the numerous types of chronic arthritis in children is Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA).  

To learn the symptoms, causes and finding relief for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis... Click Here>>

The Power of Tea Tree Oil​The power of tea tree oil to heal your pain.

Tea Tree Oil is another amazing natural healer that has been around for centuries.  It comes from the Melaleuca Alternifolia Tree that grows in Australia and has over 300 species. The powerful natural properties are contained in the leaves of the tree.  To get the oil, the leaves undergo a steam distillation process.  The Aboriginal Tribes used it to make tea, antiseptic poultices, and to treat cuts, wounds, burns, and skin infections.  It is also reported that they chewed on the leaves to ease headaches.  They applied poultices made from the leaves to prevent or fight infections for open wounds and burns. It was dubbed the “tea tree” by a British Captain who noticed that the tribes made a tea from the leaves.  However, it is not related to the tea leaves we commonly use today for black and green teas which is from the Camellia Sinensis.  

Read the Full Article, Click Here>>

Tips of the Month


Each month, we provide our subscribers with some insightful tips and information to help them Enjoy Living Again. Check them out and share them with friends and family:

Ways to Reduce Hand & Knuckle Pain

Pain in the hands and knuckles is not only a common condition for millions of people, it can also be quite debilitating. Many suffer from ailments that cause chronic pain such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve damage, or possibly even tendonitis. When there is so much pain in the hands, it begins to affect our daily lives. Not only does it make tasks more difficult to perform but it can also prevent you from doing many things you love. For instance, hand and knuckle pain may keep you from gardening, fishing, golfing, cooking, beading, quilting, working on the car: the list is endless since our hands are one of the most used body parts. This is why it is important to treat hand and knuckle pain (as well as other hand injuries) as quickly and as safe as possible. Individuals who suffer from pain in their hands, often want pain relief immediately. Mostly, this is because life doesn’t wait around for our hands to start feeling better; however, there are a variety of treatment options for those who suffer from hand or knuckle pain, and most of them are not only natural but also easy to do. If you have experienced pain in your hands for years, you may have heard of some of these treatment options before. However, not all of the treatment options out there, may have been explained to you by your doctor. Most hand and knuckle pain involves inflammation and swelling, and also stiffness or soreness. Most treatment options include ways to reduce that inflammation, which can reduce swelling; leading to less pain. Millions of Americans resort to a variety of treatment options every year; some safe, and some not so safe. There are several treatment options that involve natural healing and some can even be done in your own home or gym. Here is a list of the top 10 ways to relieve pain in the hands, wrists, fingers, and joints. (Click Here to Read More)

Ways to Reduce Runner's Knee Pain

Professionals believe that Runner's Knee is an issue due to improper posture while running.  It might be wise to have a friend videotape a run for you so you can evaluate your posture and technique.  If a runner’s hip stabilizers are weak, the thigh will rotate internally when the foot hits the ground.  The body naturally compensates with this movement in order to keep the pelvis stabilized.  However this is not the optimal movement and thereby causes the pelvis and thigh to tilt.  This motion makes the knee be pinched between the bones and causes damage to the cartilage.  This condition is referred to as a "knock-kneed runner."  If you fall into this category, there is hope; you can train yourself to contract the outside muscles of your hips which will keep your pelvis level.  With work, the muscles will gain strength and natural alignment, resulting in relief for the knees.  (Click Here to Read More)

Ways to Reduce Back Pain

Many of us spend hours at a time hunched over a computer monitor in a cubicle or behind a desk. After sitting hunched over all day long, when you do stand don’t be surprised to find your back not as cooperative as you had hoped. Eventually the muscles and joints become stiff as our bodies try to cope with the lack of movement, but there are a few things we can do to improve the situation. Stretching is very important for the muscles, nerves, and joints in order to ensure that there are no musculoskeletal system does not develop any imbalances. It is important to stand as often as possible and stretch the body out. For best results, try to stand and stretch every hour or so. Most people are amazed at how much their back pain begins to decrease by simply doing this. After a few weeks you will be amazed at the results.  (Click Here to Read More)

Ways to Reduce Arthritis Pain 

While it is helpful to occasionally use acetaminophen, aspirin, or NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- ibuprofen), daily use of these drugs can cause damage.  These drugs are the leading cause of hospitalization for kidney failure, liver failure, and intestinal bleeding.  In the last few decades, they have been responsible for millions of hospital visits and thousands of deaths in the United States.  In 2006, Harvard Medical School released a report that every year 458 accidental deaths occur from painkillers.  They do not believe that this number will decrease anytime soon.  One of the major factors linked to the rise in accidental overdoses is known as “drug creep”-a dangerous influx of acetaminophen consumption due to the fact that numerous medications contain acetaminophen but treat different ailments.  Many people are not aware that their doctor prescribed medications often contain acetaminophen, and sometimes overdose when they take their painkiller along with a dose of an Over-The-Counter painkiller.  In the United States, acetaminophen is the number 1 reason for calls to Poison Control.  In the US and the UK, it is the leading cause of liver failure.  (Click Here to Read More)