Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

carpal-tunnel-hand-painSCarpal tunnel syndrome can have many causes, and for some patients, the exact cause of the condition may never become know. That said, most cases of carpal tunnel syndrome are either caused by or contributed to by repetitive stress. This condition is fairly common and it results in issues like tingling, numbness, weakness, and pain in the hand, fingers, and wrist. For many people with carpal tunnel syndrome, the symptoms will start off mildly and become progressively worse as the day goes on.

The carpal tunnel is a passageway that connects the hand to the forearm. The median nerve passes through the carpal tunnel and when this passage suffers injury or becomes irritated, it can affect the function of the median nerve. Essentially, any condition that results in irritation to the median nerve fits under the umbrella of carpal tunnel syndrome.

In some cases, carpal tunnel syndrome will go away on its own. In other situations, a doctor may recommend the use of splints to limit the mobility of the wrist or they could prescribe therapy. Another common treatment option is corticosteroid injections. In some rare situations, the condition may require surgery. This is usually only for severe cases where the condition has persisted for many months and all other treatment options have failed.


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